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The Mission

The Transnational Migrant Platform commits itself to the following action plan: 


A) Mobilize our communities and intervene actively to reclaim the agenda of migration and development, taking the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the UN Migrant Convention as departure points, and with the perspective of migrants and refugees occupying a key role in forms of active and responsible citizenship in the North and in the South.


B) Pursue Policy Dialogues with our governments and Embassies reiterating their responsibility for people-centered development.


C) Participate in and raise our Migrant Agenda in the following moments of the political calendar:


• World Social Forum Migration 
• European Social Forum 
• Citizen Summit on Migration 
• GFMD & Peoples’ Global Action (PGA) 
• International Migrant Rights Day (December 18)
• International Anti-Racism Day (March 21)

Europe-wide Seminar: 
“Strengthening Alliances towards Social Justice, Migrants’ Rights and Solidarity in the EU”
23, 24 & 25 September in Amsterdam, NL
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